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Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about what bodies are welcome in our classes?

Are all of your classes only for people who self-identify as plus-size or in a bigger body?​

No. Power Plus Wellness does not have any body requirements to participate in classes.


While our movement classes and community-building experiences ALWAYS center the safe and joyful experience of big bodies, all value-aligned bodies are welcome in our space. If an event is 100% exclusive to big bodies, it will be stated in the event description. These offerings may include but are not limited to, fat-specific support groups and healing experiences.

Why are your classes (mostly) open to all body types? 

If this question is being asked from a place of fear, we hear you! Rest assured that our plus-size members' physical safety and emotional well-being are our top priority in all spaces. Most, if not all, of our movement offerings are over 98% plus-size attended.


Additionally, our classes are open to all bodies because all bodies are impacted by weight stigma and receive major benefits from exploring movement without toxic diet and fitness culture. Moreover, plus-size members benefit from non-plus folks expanding their understanding of sizeism and body acceptance. Studies show that people taught about size acceptance decreased their negative attitudes toward people of higher weights. And, when people in big bodies do the teaching attitudes decrease even more. 


The PPW goal is to change hearts and minds. We foster connections with all bodies that support the mission of body liberation and autonomy.


We have ONLY seen positive impacts and growth-centered exchanges from this policy.

Are your classes exclusively for people who identify as female?

Nope. We like to describe our space as femme-positive and fat-focused. While our classes tend to have more folx who identify as female, we welcome people of all gender identities and expressions, unless explicitly stated otherwise. These offerings may include but are not limited to, female-specific support groups and movement offerings.

Are your classes LGBTQ-friendly? ​​

Absolutely! We are proud to offer a supportive and body-affirming space with several instructors who self-identify as Queer and/or outside the gender binary. We do not allow discrimination of any kind in our spaces.

Are your classes beginner-friendly? ​​

Yes! Unless the class is listed as a "Level Up" class, all classes are accessible to beginners and will offer modifications. Attendees always have the choice to opt out of any movement or activity that does not feel good in their body with the full support from our team members.    

What if I don't want my photo taken?

No worries! Our class ambassadors (the babes who do check in) will have brightly colored wristbands. If you do not want to be photographed, you may wear a wristband for the duration of class. This will signal to anyone on the PPW team that you do not want to be in photos and they will avoid taking photos of you. If photos of you are taken accidentally, our internal team will know not to use them publicly by your wristband. Learn more about our photo policy here

Curious about ticketing, locations, refund policy, and more?

Where are your classes located? ​​

As of May 2024 we offer in-person classes throughout New York City and limited virtual classes you can join from anywhere.


Want to see PPW near you? Let us know. We note all requested locations and will use this data to expand when the time comes.

How do I stay up to date on movement classes and virtual offerings?

​The best way to stay current is to sign up for our weekly newsletter here. 


New classes are shared every Tuesday and Sunday evening. Occasionally, our team will send supplemental emails to promote classes with open spots and specialty events.    

What ticketing platform does Power Plus Wellness use? 

We use Momence for all ticketing. Momence is available on the web and via an application.

What methods of payment do you accept?

At this time we accept debit and credit cards. At this time we do not accept ACH Payments. In select circumstances, we can accept Zelle payments.

What is your refund policy? May I receive a refund for a class I booked by mistake? 

​Please see our refund, waitlist, and human policy here. 


Power Plus Wellness does not issue refunds for any events, except in cases of platform or clerical errors. This policy is an effort to support our small team’s work behind the scenes and grant access to as many members as possible for all experiences. 


If you booked the wrong class and would like to switch your booking please email powerpluswellness[at] with the changeover request. 

Worried about the waitlist?

I’ve signed up for the waitlist for a class. How will I know if I got in?​​

If another member cancels their attendance and you are next on the waitlist you will be automatically entered into the class. You will be notified via email and text up to three hours before the start of class.


Be sure to have your notifications turned on!

How can I tell where I am on the waitlist?

In the Momence app: On the homepage, waitlisted classes will be listed under ‘Upcoming for you’ along with booked classes. Your position on the waitlist will be listed above the class title. 


In Momence online: On the ‘My classes’ page, find the ‘Waitlist’ section and your waitlist position will be listed in blue for all classes.

What happens if I am automatically entered into a class from the waitlist and can no longer attend?

Canceling your spot after being pulled from the waitlist is still subject to our no refund policy.


However, if you are automatically entered into a class from the waitlist with less than 24 hours' notice and can no longer attend, you may email powerpluswellness[at] to respectfully explain your situation. We will evaluate a class credit on a case-by-case basis.

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